Engaging in activities we enjoy and having fun with other people are some of the best parts of life. Being able to do both has profound positive effects on our health and well-being, and this importance only amplifies as we age. Studies have shown evidence that American elderly people with active social lives may have a slower rate of memory loss than others with less activity and socialization in their lives. In fact, increased physical activity, even by small amounts, is found to decrease risk for onset of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Increased mental activity, such as puzzle solving and other cognitively stimulating games, and having strong social networks is also associated with better health outcomes, such as decreasing risk of dementia and premature death.

When we or our family members enter a new chapter in life at an assisted living facility, it can be an opportunity to re-engage with activities and build or maintain social networks that may have begun to deteriorate as part of the aging process. Often as we age, we find it increasingly difficult to leave our homes to engage in activities we enjoy, or to be with other people. Assisted living can provide on-site, easy to access enjoyable and meaningful activities while socializing with peers, in a safe, warm setting.

At Loudonville Assisted Living Residence, we pride ourselves in providing a senior living community that offers a variety of  assisted living activities to meet the needs and preferences of those who call it home. We offer fun groups that stimulate mind and body while socializing with one another. Exercise groups, cognitively stimulating game groups, live music and entertainment, assisted outings to the Albany region, and more are part of regular life at Loudonville Assisted Living.

If you or a loved one in the Albany, NY area are considering enhancing their social life and increasing their activity level by moving to assisted living, please contact us today.